
Insurance Policies on Fence Damage: A Close Look

Feb 24, 2015

Commercial Fencing

Insurance Policies on Fence Damage: A Close Look

Business owners and homeowners work extremely hard to keep their property secure and looking nice. Many choose to fence in their property. Fencing adds distinct benefits to both home and business owners. Maintaining the fence and making sure it is well-cared for also ensures the property is protected from unwanted intruders. Making timely repairs and keeping up the fences' overall appearance is the key to a lovely exterior.

The Importance of Fencing to a Commercial Property Fencing in a commercial property adds the same benefits as that of a fence placed around the home. Different types of materials can be used to control the level of privacy. If they are high enough, it can prevent unwanted visitors of both the human and animal persuasion.

  • Security – Security fences are designed to control what people can see from the outside. Often, they are made very high and have few ways to gain access.

  • Visual Appeal – Visual appeal on the other hand allows individuals to look at merchandise without having to look past obstacles. Chain link, wrought iron, and other types of decorative fencing can still keep unwanted visitors out, but their main role is to enhance how the area looks. The right type of decorative fence can dramatically increase the value of the property.

Insurance's Role in Fence Damage If a fence is damaged, either through inclement weather or an auto accident, insurance claims play a vital role when it comes to making sure repairs are made. Most insurance policies have a deductible that must be met before a claim will be processed. If a claim has been filed, an insurance adjuster will come to the property to evaluate the damage and assess a monetary value. They will take into account the age of the fence, the types of materials used in its construction and how well built it is.

With commercial properties, fences that are used to protect the assets of the business, are also evaluated on how much to save the company when it comes to protecting it from substantial loss. When a business takes out its corporate or business insurance, it tries to find ways to help discount the cost. A high security fence is just one way insurance companies will help businesses get a better deal. If the property is protected by a sturdy fence, there is less likelihood that the property will be vandalized or merchandise will be stolen.

Specific Insurance, Specific Repairs Business insurance will often cover damage caused by vandals or bad weather. Because the fence acts as part of the business' security system, the insurance company will often act rather quickly to get the damage repaired. The longer the fence remains damaged, the more likely the business will suffer further loss. If the property is secured and repairs are made in a timely fashion, the business will remain protected without having to worry about monitoring existing damage. Much like with a homeowner police, a business policy is designed to cover anything that may structurally or outwardly affect the business and its operations.

When a vehicle collides with a fence that surrounds any property, business or commercial, its auto insurance coverage will be used to pay for any repairs that will be needed. Problems can come into play if the state in which the accident occurs is a “no-fault” state. This means that in any automobile accident, no one is at fault. When this happens, the business insurance will pay for the damages to the property and then seek to regain compensation from the insurance carrier of the owner of the vehicle. This ensures the fence is repaired, but it can take several months, even years for the company and insurance carrier to recoup their losses.

It is extremely important to make sure the business has adequate insurance coverage. In some cases, additional clauses may be included within the policy to insure and fencing or outside security components are covered. In addition to adequate insurance, the company must also invest in the fence to make sure it is able to perform its intended purpose. A sturdy fence is less likely to be damaged by minor altercations. Making informed choices about both fencing and the insurance used to protect it will ensure you do not suffer unexpected losses.

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